Thinking About Seniors
By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School
Dear EPS—
Another week. We’ve done 7. We have—at least—7 to go. Right now I’m reflecting on conflicting sentiments—we’re making this work together and should feel a sense of shared accomplishment AND there’s so much that we’re losing, it’s hard not to be angry. I’m thinking about seniors. Saying goodbye is never easy—but the circumstances in which we find ourselves make it nearly impossible to close the year with the kind of shared success that has marked every other close to an academic year.
Seniors are missing their prom, their prank day, their senior dinner, and commencement, itself. Knowing how important all those things are in the lives of Americans, and knowing that the class of 2020 will not enjoy them is actually painful.
This is my 50th high school graduation year—and the 50th class reunion has been cancelled. But we DID have a class prank, a prom, a senior dinner, and commencement. I still remember all of it. I hope that 50 years from now—the class of 2020 will enjoy the opportunity to greet one another again—to talk about lives well lived, and dreams still to be made true.
We’re all thinking of you, seniors—and trust me, those 50 years will go fast.
-Taken from the April 17, 2020 Community Briefing