Who We Are

Student Clubs

By Paul Hagen, Dean of Students

This afternoon as I walked to my office after lunch, I was accosted by a trio of 6th graders who were desperate to ask me a question. “We want to start a club,” they blurted out in stereo, “can we?”
“What kind of club?” I asked.
“A flight club,” they said, “we want to learn about the science of flight!”

One of the things I enjoy most about working with EPS students is their unending enthusiasm – the excitement they bring to projects both in and out of the classroom. Another thing I love about our students is their diverse interests, and that they are always eager to share these interests with others at EPS.

Most of the clubs offered at EPS were founded by students who had an idea, an interest, or a passion that they wanted to bring to EPS. Consequently, we have a wonderfully eclectic selection of clubs, and new and unique clubs are continually being added to our offerings. This means that there are numerous opportunities for students to get involved, to try new things, and to develop new skills and interests.

This trimester, through student initiative, we have added a number of new clubs to enrich the student experience here at EPS. These new and diverse clubs include the Service Club, which is designed to give students another opportunity to address issues they see in their community, and the Middle School Harry Potter Club, where students compete in Harry Potter trivia, play Harry Potter charades, critique Harry Potter books and movies, and share their combined love for all things magical. There is a new Sewing Club, a new Origami Club, a new Electronic Club, and others.

In the next few weeks we will be publishing our list of club offerings for the Spring Trimester. There’s no doubt there will be some great new clubs for students to join – who knows, there may even be a new Flight Club.