Who We Are

At Eastside Prep we know that social emotional learning is a partnership between home and school. Take a look at some of the topics we’re covering at school and use the prompts below to continue the conversation around emotional well-being at home.

  • This week, a team of 44 Peer Mentors in grades 10-12 had their first session with MS students in advisory groups. Peer Mentors facilitate activities in assigned middle school advisory classes three times per trimester. The goal of mentoring is to build peer relationships, increase community connectedness, and facilitate conversations around the EPS experience. Ask your Middle Schooler who their mentors are! 
  • Upper School students received a lesson on Ecological Systems Theory in assembly on Monday. They were then asked to apply their knowledge in a conversation-based case study in advisory to deepen their understanding of ecological systems and the ways in which these systems impact and influence decision making. Ask your student which system you are a part of. 
  • Freshman completed the Clifton Strengths Assessment to identify their top 5 strengths. Ask your student to name one of their strengths and the ways they see it show up in their lives. 
  • Seventh graders engaged in an interactive class meeting about self-advocacy, how to connect with a supportive adult on campus, as well as how to help someone else access support. Ask your student about the different support resources on campus. 5th and 6th graders will be learning about this next week!
  • Eighth grade students recently learned about the stress cycle, how we talk about stress with peers, and ways to interrupt the cycle. Ask your students about the stress Olympics!

Questions? You are always welcome to reach out to one of our school counselors at counselors@eastsideprep.org.