Who We Are

Re-enrollment for 2021-22

It’s that time of year again—re-enrollment time! We look forward to seeing our rising 6th through 12th graders return in the coming year and wanted to highlight a few important dates coming up:

January 8—today!—enrollment contracts go live on School Forms Online.
Just as with past enrollment and re-enrollment, contracts will be submitted using School Forms Online (SFO). Financial Aid letters will also be available in SFO at this time.

February 5—contracts and deposits are due.
To secure your space for the next school year, families must submit the signed contract and $3,900 deposit through School Forms Online. You’ll submit a credit card deposit or electronic check through this system. For financial aid recipients: your deposit amount will be 10% of your total tuition payment for the year.

Knowing what our re-enrollment picture looks like is crucial for our annual budget as well as our admissions discussions for prospective students. Contracts and deposits must be submitted by February 5 in order to secure your child(ren)’s space for next year.

If you did not receive a re-enrollment email from the Head of School earlier today, or have any questions about enrollment next year or this process, please don’t hesitate to email Director of Enrollment Management Cheryl Miller or call at 425-822-5668 x342.