End of Year Celebrations
By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School
Unlike so much of the planning that we do as a school, from our calendar to our daily schedule to our academic programs, we don’t have the benefit of any prior knowledge regarding our ability to gather together in large groups. What we do have, however, is the ability to pivot quickly in response to the social distance updates we will receive. We have been actively working to make plans for all of our traditional end of year activities. As soon as we know that we can share plans definitively and not tentatively, we will do so.
Graduation is more than just the commencement exercises. It’s a series of celebrations that we all look forward to and for which we have been planning for the past several weeks. Because of the dynamic nature of this situation and how sensitive this topic is to so many, we will take it one step at a time, rather than announcing plans we’re not sure we can implement.
We are looking forward to sharing our plans with you when we are confident that they can be implemented.
-Taken from the April 20, 2020 Community Briefing