Bay Area Tech and Culture (US)

Dates:4/1 – 4/5
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Price Range: $2700 – $3100
Theme: Technology
Faculty Contact: Dan Yezbick

san fran bridge

San Francisco, and the wider Bay Area, today has come to represent all things innovative. A trip to the Bay Area is an incredible chance to dive into projects and companies that are changing our country, careers, and the world. On this program, we will explore science and technology through hands-on workshops, exploration of the city and key sites of the Bay, and meetings with innovators and creators around the region. We shall consider the role of technology in our lives and how we can use what we know to design solutions to pressing problems facing individuals, businesses, and communities. A few examples of places we plan to visit are trendy shops in Hayes Valley and Japantown, innovation in Stanford University or Palo Alto, Google or Facebook, the Computer History Museum, startup companies in the latest boom Dogpatch neighborhood, and technology non-profits like Google for Afria, with a valuable resume workshop tossed into the fray. Join us for Bay Area Tech and Wonder!

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