By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School You've heard me tell these important EPS origin stories before: My first year ...

By Sam Uzwack, Head of School-elect One of the most exciting aspects of my new role at Eastside Prep is ...

By Sam Uzwack, Head of School-elect As we look ahead to the next twenty years, our priority is crystal clear: ...

By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School When Confronted—for whatever reason—with my own mortality, I am most troubled by the ...

INSIGHT: Failures and the Arts Education By Ginger Ellingson, Director of Fine & Performing Arts "You know what the best ...

By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor A record-setting number of faculty and staff members celebrated their EPS anniversaries at the end ...

By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor The new folks coming to Eastside Prep have lived all around the world, authored scholarly ...

By Jonathan Briggs, Director of Strategy, Technology, and Innovation Eastside Prep has migrated through many technology paradigms, both as technology ...

2022-2023: Eastside Prep Celebrates Twenty Years

A. Ella (’23) qualified to ride in the 2022 IEA National Finals. Ella won the Varsity Open Equitation class helping ...