John Stegeman: Eastside Prep’s New Upper School Head By Wendy Lawrence, Contributing Writer JOHN STEGEMAN KNEW HE BELONGED AT EPS ...

Building an Intentional Parent Community By Dr. Kelly Moore, Parent Educator and Consultant SINCE THE INCEPTION OF EASTSIDE PREP, DR. ...

Purposefully Designed Experiences By Paul Hagen, Dean of Students HUMANS ARE HARDWIRED FOR LEARNING. We are curious creatures and our ...

This Is Not Common in Schools: EPS RE-ACCREDITATION 2018–19 By Matt Delaney, Academic Dean A FEW YEARS AGO, DR. MACALUSO ...

Above, Jamie Andrus with students in class. EIGHTH GRADE: A YEAR OF INTENTIONAL LEADERSHIP By Jamie Andrus, Learning Support Specialist ...

Teaching Math with Intentionality By Steve Fassino, Math Faculty 3, 9, __, __, __, __, ... WHAT COMES NEXT? WHAT ...

The SuperNovas (top left) and the Space-a-Dillas FLL teams Robotics at Eastside Prep By Jonathan Briggs, Chief Technology and Innovation ...

INTENT By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School FROM THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY: INTENT (and its forms—intention, intentional, intentionality) can ...

Student: “Puedo ir al baño?” (Can I go to the bathroom?) Teacher: “Sí, se puede ir sin pedirme. Todo lo ...

Athletics Culture and Philosophy By Kim Eng, Director of Athletics HOLY SMOKES! IT’S ALREADY BEEN nine months since I started ...