By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor It's not clear if the place makes the people or the people make the place. ...

We asked several Trustees to provide insight into how they see resilience at work in their efforts on the Eastside ...

By Bart Gummere, Associate Head of School for College Counseling and Alumni Relations The last year has certainly made for ...

By Dana Hoballah and Eliana Swai (both EPS Class of 2021) During Quarantine, we have all felt increasingly isolated while ...

By David Kelly-Hedrick, Literary Thinking Faculty & Experiential Education Coordinator THERE IS MUCH ABSURDITY IN THIS WORLD. I myself am ...

By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor Our Article about EPS Lifers always focuses on change, on how the senior year is ...

By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor They can't stand on the stage these days, but Eastside Prep fine and performing art ...

By Matt Delaney, Director of Academic Design and Integration DURING A Q&A PANEL AT A PAST OPEN HOUSE, AN Eastside ...

By Kelly Moore, PhD, LICSW, Scholar in Residence As the Scholar in Residence for Well-Being at Eastside Prep, I am ...

By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor Lifting each other up is something Eastside Prep staff members do in the best of ...