By Katharine Pike, Parent Association President and Ruchi Bhutani and Roomi Sharma, Parent Association Volunteer Coordinators Parent participation has always ...

By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor Each spring, we celebrate our “LIFERS”—those soon-to-graduate students who have been at Eastside Prep since ...

By Bart Gummere, Associate Head of School for College Counseling and Alumni Relations As is chronicled through this issue, 2021-2022 ...

By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor We all know that Eastside Prep loves connecting people, whether through interdisciplinary conversation or a ...

By Laura Boismenue, School Counselor School Counseling at Eastside Prep means more than stopping into an office to unload one’s ...

By Matt Delaney, Director of Academic Design & Integration Language and structure define and fuel human development. What you call ...

By Sam Uzwack, Associate Head of School for Middle School and Student Support Services Returning to full-time, in-person learning reminds ...

By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School For serveral years now, there has been ongoing conversation about the likelihood that ...

By Paul Hagen, Director of Student Well-Being We are not well-equipped to do life alone. Humans are social creatures—we work, ...

“Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? THE OPPORTUNITY TO PLAY.” -Mike Singletary, Pro Football Hall ...