INSIGHT: What Does EPS Mean to Me? By Danny Brambila-Diaz, Class of 2023 Growing up a first-generation student, my dreams used …

Being Known By Bess McKinney and Dr. Ed Castro, EICL Coordinators We all have many parts of us that make ...

INSIGHT: A New School of Thought By Jeff Sanderson, Upper School Mathematics Over the summer, I concluded that  the three most ...

INSIGHT: Community Building Through Fall Orientations By Sam Uzwack, Head of School-elect As the fifth-graders arrived at school for their orientation, a ...

INSIGHT: 65th and the Last By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School On Wednesday, August 31, I will experience (inclusive of my ...

Insight: Re-Accreditation | EPS…Not A Common School By Matt Delaney, Director of Academic Design & Integration In 2009 EPS was ...

Insight: Celebrating the Richness of Our Community By Dr. Ed Castro and Bess McKinney, EICL Co-Coordinators As we begin our ...

INSIGHT: An 8th Grader's Journey By Sydney and Piper Belfiore (Class of 2026) Sydney & Piper: As our final year ...

INSIGHT: Spring Announcement By Sedrick Bearman, Faculty, Chief of Mis (a.k.a. David Kelly-Hedrick) It has recently come to our attention ...

Throwing off the Weight and Changing “the Rules” By Bess McKinney, EICL Co-Coordinator I think a lot about identity as ...