INSIGHT: College Admissions: Looking Beyond the Surface By Bart Gummere, Associate Head of School for College Counseling and Alumni Relations ...

INSIGHT: EPS: Where Community Grows By Cheryl Schenk, Director of Enrollment Management There’s been a lot of activity within the ...

Episode 6

For this episode of Insightful Questions, Nicole Curry (Sam’s wife) joins Head of School Sam Uzwack to discuss their own partnership over the decades as well as Eastside Prep’s partnerships—current and future.

Take the journey with us through your favorite podcast listening app; use one of the links below!

Engaging in Sustainability: A Holistic Approach By Kip Wassink, Biology Teacher & Environmental Club Sponsor In the intricate tapestry of ...

INSIGHT: Differences Are Not Deficits By Jamie Andrus, Assistant Director of Well-Being It probably comes as no surprise that, as a ...

INSIGHT: Knowing Our Kids – EICL Parent/Guardian Night and Culture Night by Bess McKinney, EICL Co-Coordinator When I pick my three-year-old ...

Episode 5

For this episode of Insightful Questions, Max Sheffield (EPS alum from the Class of 2014) joins Head of School Sam Uzwack to reminisce about their shared EPS experiences, the ongoing connections alumni have to our school, and talk about the future.

Take the journey with us through your favorite podcast listening app; use one of the links below!

Episode 4

For this episode of Insightful Questions, EPS fifth and sixth graders were invited to ask their burning questions of Head of School Sam Uzwack. From hot dogs (are they a sandwich?) to the future of Eastside Prep, the questions covered a wide range of topics from serious to silly.

Use one of the links below to hear more!

INSIGHT: Engagement in the Arts Behind the Scenes by Ginger Ellingson, Director of Fine & Performing Arts  As the curtains closed ...

Episode 3

For our third episode of Insightful Questions and in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, Sam’s children – MacKenzie Curry-Uzwack and Ollie Curry-Uzwack – join Sam to discuss their family Thanksgiving traditions and engage in the dressing versus stuffing debate.

Use one of the links below to hear more!