Reflection on Our Time at EPS By Rhea ‘19 (Student Government President) and Millan ’19 (Student Government Vice-President) Since joining ...

Recognizing Humanity in the College Admissions Process By Allison Luhrs, College Counselor Sometimes we forget that college admissions representatives are ...

Re-Accreditation Process By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School We need to close the loop on our re-accreditation process.   Most ...

The Tapestry of EPS By Cheryl Miller, Director of Enrollment Management I come from a family that sews. My mom ...

INSIGHT: A Big “SCOIR” for the College Search Process By Allison Luhrs, College Counselor I have vivid memories of lying ...

Controlling What We Can By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School We need a snowplow tax.  If we’d been buying ...

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Reflections By Trevor Hedges, Eastside Prep Class of 2014 IN SOPHOMORE YEAR OF MY UNDERGRADUATE CAREER AS ...

THE IMPACT OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT By Karen Mills , Literary Thinking Faculty “Sketch a map of a place that is ...

INSIGHT: New Year, New Beginning By Dr. Terry Macaluso, Head of School It’s been suggested many times that “the problem ...

Finals: A Celebration of Learning By Sam Uzwack, Middle School Head Final exam week is just around the corner. Hopefully, ...