By Cheryl Schenk, Director of Enrollment Management Interested in getting to know the new Head of School better? I recently ...

By Alicia Hale, Historical and Literary Thinking Faculty Design Thinking stands as one of the most pivotal concepts we can ...

By Karen Mills, Literary Thinking Faculty and Faculty Development Coordinator I believe that one of the best ways to show ...

By Mehrane Mokdad, EPS Board President As we bid farewell to our esteemed Head of School, Dr. Terry Macaluso, who ...

By Jamie Andrus, Assistant Director of Student Well-Being It is not uncommon for teachers to be drawn to the field ...

By Sam Uzwack, Head of School AS EASTSIDE PREP WINDS DOWN ITS twentieth year of school, we have much to ...

By Jennifer Oakes, EPS English Faculty We asked Jennifer Oakes, an Eastside Prep faculty member new to the school in ...

By Sam Uzwack, Head of School When I was at the University of Washington earning my master’s in teaching, one ...

Dear EPS Community: While our eyes have turned to the current school year and our twentieth anniversary, there is much ...

INSIGHT: Reflecting on the EPS Values By Paul Hagen, Director of Student Well-Being Eastside Prep’s Mission and Vision are what ...