Who We Are

An adult-supervised after-school study hall program is available to all Middle School students. After-School Study Hall runs from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Any Middle School student on campus after 3:30 PM who is not involved in an extracurricular event should report to the second floor of the Levinger-Poole Commons (LPC)* for study hall. Students may also join study hall upon completion of their after-school activities. Students will have opportunities to purchase snacks during scheduled breaks (4:00 PM and 5:00 PM) and/or sign out for on-campus sporting events during study hall. Parents/guardians are asked to sign out students upon arrival to campus. Please make sure that students are picked up no later than 6:00 PM.

After-School Study Hall is intended for use by students whose parents/guardians are unable to pick up their student until after school hours. Note: Except in cases of emergency, more than two instances of late pick up may result in loss of access to After School Study Hall.  Students are welcome in the LPC as long as their behavior is cooperative and supportive of the study hall ethos. The After School Study Hall contact number is 425-229-3242, should an emergency arise. If you have further questions about After-School Study Hall, please contact Sarah Peeden.

*In case the LPC is closed for an evening event, After-School Quiet Study Hall will be held in the Middle School Commons.