Bengu Bostanci
APG President
Bengu moved to the Seattle area 24 years ago after completing her degree in science education in Türkiye. She has worked in the Lake Washington School District and is the founder and president of the Turkish-American Cultural Association of WA Social Support Network. Bengu is also the head of school and director of the American-Turkish Academy of WA and has been for the past 10 years. Additionally, she has served as the PA president at her daughter’s previous school and was on the board for 5 years. Most recently, she served on the EPS APG Executive Committee on the Hospitality Team and has been a class representative.
Her biggest passion is education-related philanthropy work. She enjoys traveling a lot with her family. She has two daughters: Dila, who is in college, and Eda, who is in the class of 2027 at EPS. Bengu currently lives in Redmond with her husband and Eda.