Upper School Students: Sign Up Now for Fall Sports!
Deadline to register is Wednesday, September 23.
Upper School students interested in playing sports this fall: EPS will offer sport-specific small pod practices beginning September 28! Although these pods will be coached by our EPS coaching staff, they are not official EPS sports teams and there will be no competitions. However, due to limited space, we will require full commitment by participants. Click here to register: https://forms.gle/p9CeUZj8xnKW3wHc6
Who: US students only [7th/8th graders: As soon as we get US sports up and running, we are coming for you next! ?]
When: 2-3 days per week, times and days TBD depending on your responses in the registration form.
Where: Locations listed below*
Dates: September 28 to November 30 (these dates were determined by the WIAA)
Requirements: Students will not be able to participate unless all medical forms are completed in SchoolDocs and a signed Family Acknowledgement of Risk form in SFO by September 23, 2020.
Transportation: Students will need to find their own transportation to/from practices.
Questions: Please contact Athletic Director Kim Eng .
*Basketball/Volleyball/CrossFit (EPS gym), Ultimate/Soccer (Robinswood/Marymoor/Grasslawn/Newport Hills), Tennis (Highland CC/other TBD), XC (Lower Woodland/Bridal Trails)