Alicia Hale
Historical Thinking
Also: MS Advisor
MA, Education and Curriculum, Antioch University
Alicia joined EPS in the fall of 2018 and teaches Middle School Historical Thinking 2 and Literary Thinking 1. Before EPS, Alicia spent ten years in public education in Seattle as an AP and Honors history teacher. She also coached Model UN, Debate and advised the Art History Club at the high school where she taught. Alicia is passionate about the arts and equitable access for teens, currently she is on the advisory council for TeenTix and helps support the development of the Press Corps program. Alicia attended a small independent school in Wales through middle and high school.
In her free time, Alicia enjoys teaching sourdough bread classes, going mountain biking with her family, and teaching herself to sew her own clothes.
“EPS is a model for innovative and critical thinking and I am so excited to engage students in thoughtful and creative historical study.”